Friday, August 5, 2011

Chest Pains. No Really. Sharp Stabbing Chest Pains

Friday, August 05, 2011

I am sitting here in my office working and actually just had some sharp pains in my chest. Not the heartburn kind either. Actual sharp pains.

This is wrong. I know better. I was the poster child for exercise and healthy eating. What is wrong with me? I know what’s wrong. I am stressed and depressed.

I don’t lack the time. I say I do. I play that “busy full-time working Mom” card so easily. I am better than this. I deserve to be happy, to feel happy and to pass that happiness along to my son and my husband.

Lately, this is my typical day:
5:00am -- Wake Up. Check my phone and look at Facebook and Twitter
5:30am -- Actually get out of bed. Shower, make lunch for my son. Get ready for work.
6:15am -- Leave for work.
7:00am -- Get to work and kick myself for not packing breakfast or lunch.
7:30am -- Go get coffee and either a muffin or junk from the vending machine.
11:30am -- Lunch – go get some type of sandwich
3:30pm -- Leave work and go pick up my son
4:30pm -- Get home and think about what to make for dinner
5:00pm -- 1st glass of wine and start cooking
5:30pm -- By now I am on my 2nd or 3rd glass of wine and eating dinner
6:00pm -- Clean up the kitchen
6:30pm -- Either playing pool or lounging around in front of the TV or the computer
7:30pm -- Get my son in the tub and ready for bed
8:30pm -- My son is in bed and I go to bed and watch TV and then fall asleep only to repeat the same day all over again tomorrow.

I have always had low blood pressure, took no medication, eat well and exercise sporadically. I have always enjoyed my wine and some treats here and there. But that balance is gone. I am a mess. As I sit here, I can feel my heart beating and actually feel like my heart is racing.

Everything hurts. This has got to end. I need a plan. Here’s what I’m thinking.

5:00am -- Wake Up. Walk for 20-30 minutes
5:30am -- Shower, make lunch for me AND my son and pack his bag. Get ready for work.
6:15am -- Leave for work.
7:00am -- Get to work and dig in.  
11:30am -- Eat Lunch and take a 15 minute walk
3:30pm -- Leave work and go pick up my son
4:30pm -- Get home and Do 20 min of weight lifting
5:30pm -- Make Dinner
6:30pm -- Clean up the kitchen
7:00pm -- Play pool / Spend time with family / Get ready for tomorrow
7:30pm -- Get my son in the tub and ready for bed
8:30pm -- My son is in bed and I go to bed

Those are NOT huge changes. Why are they so hard to do though??

Here are my daily goals:
  • Drink Water throughout the day
  • Wine is only for Friday and Saturday nights
  • Food is mostly vegan with some fish and occasional cheese on pizza
  • Always eat or pack breakfast
  • Always pack lunch – salad and soup or something vegetable-based
  • Dark leafy greens at least once per day
  • No coffee or soda
  • At least 30 minutes of exercise per day
  • Journal daily

Think I can do it?

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