Tuesday, August 16, 2011

11 Days Later. Some Minor Changes.

I wrote that last post 11 days ago. Since then I have made a few small changes, but not the schedule I had written and tried to achieve.

School started yesterday. I made a big pot of (vegan) butternut squash soup on Sunday. I had that for breakfast the last 2 days with a smoothie as well. I try to steer clear of sweet things for breakfast. They just rev up my metabolism and then I am starving all morning. I packed my lunch the last two days as well. It's a start right?

I ran to Target and picked up some hand weights - I haven't seen my old ones since the move. I am going to work out tonight. No excuses. I will walk in the morning as well. No excuses.

As for the wine, I haven't given up my weekday glasses of wine just yet. Baby steps I guess.

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